Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today was unbelievable. This past weeks events have been gut wrenching. I received a call early last week while on the way to drop Emma off at school that Benjamin started having seizures. They put him on phenobarbital to counteract these, but had several more while awaiting the medication to take full effect. Then we were told that they found a blood clot on the outside of his brain...on the left in the back. This was concern enough to tell us that he had to be taken off of ecmo (heart and lung bypass machine). This machine was his saving grace as of September 21st when he was placed on it...if we would have declined this machine, he would undoubtedly no longer be with us. We were to say the least petrified, and we stood by while they weaned him off the machine rather rapidly over the next few days. While he was on this machine, head ultrasounds were required to look for head/brain bleeds...then we were told the ultrasound found another place on the back left of the brain that appears to either have ischemia (lack of oxygen) or hemorrhage. We were told it appears to be on the white matter of the brain...this was a sit down talk with the NICU doctors, and this is never good. Then we were told yesterday am that another spot appeared on the right back portion, the doctors are much more concerned about this area. There are no words to explain how this felt being told this news...his lungs and heart were finally starting to improve, and then we were dealt this news. Then today, we decided to go to church to see our girls and gain some clarity on the situation. While we were there, Pastor Shane called us up to the front of church, we were on our knees on the steps at the front of the sanctuary and members of our church family came up and placed their hands on our backs to pray with us for Benjamin. It was very moving and emotional. Then after church several others came up to express their love and support...but then a woman came up and was so charged with energy and kept asking if we believed in the Holy Ghost and got more and more empowered as she went. She said she was pressed to come pray with us, and was looking right into our eyes, it felt like she was looking into us. Other family members were around and I swear the woman was speaking in tongue and kept asking for the Holy Ghost to put the power of a miracle into place and heal Benjamin. It was overwhelming to say the least. After church we went to lunch and while we were there my cell phone rang, it was the NICU doctor. She called to tell me the area on the right no longer appeared to be there today!!! She did say the left side does still appear affected, possibly including the cerebellum, but didn't know quite what to say about it considering the earlier right side findings were possibly 'wrong'. Please continue to pray, and hopefully more miracles like this will keep happening for him. We love you all!!


  1. Thanks for the update...keep the good news coming. Let me know if there is anything I can do!

    Love You!
    Christine Poling

  2. We have been praying for your family every day and hoping that you will receive good news. Benjamin is so adorable. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.
    Love to you all,
    Dee, Derek, Kalyn, and Matthew Haar

  3. Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

    Great Auntie Donna and Unka Dale

    With Love Always XOXO
