Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26th: Day 41

Benjamin had a rough night last night. They feel like he had a 'plug' in his breathing tube, likely caused from thicker secretions stopping up the bottom of the tube. This caused his heart rate and blood pressure to increase quite a bit and his sats to drop. They had to increase his rate on his vent again. We got a call at 5:30am to come over due to these issues. His carbon dioxide level was VERY high as well as a number of other monitoring parameters, including his white blood cell count. They are sending off cultures, but believe this is more of an acute event due to the plug and not an infection. They have adjusted a few of his meds, replaced his NG tube because it also had very thick secretions clogging it and adjusted a bit more of his vent settings. Right now, he is trying to settle back in to his groove and our hope for today is a lot of rest and no more events. Please pray for a non-eventful day for Ben, unless it gets better. Thanks.


  1. Kel, Dave & Family,
    Sorry to hear about Ben's rough night last night. Hopefully, he will have a better night tonight. We pray constantly and hope he is resting peacefully now. May God Bless All of You, especially our "Angel Ben." Give all the children hugs and kisses from Great Aunt Kolly and Uncle Roney Boy. Luv to All

  2. Hello I also have a daughter that was born with CDH. These children are such HUGE fighters. We live in Iowa. We knew at my 20 week ultrasound so we decided to travel to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 8 weeks before her birth. Her life is not perfect in any way. (This last year she had to have 5 abdominal surgeries due to bowel obstruction and reherniation.) I wouldn't know what to do without Ava. She loves life. She turned 3 August 31.

    I just wanted to give you a HUGE shower of hope. Your son sounds like he is doing all theright things. If you'd like to read more about our journey I'll add the link at the bottom. I'm here if you need to talk. I know the long and difficult road. (

    Oh I read your article. Thanks for getting CDH out there. Sorry your son has to go through all of this.

    ~Terri and Ava
