Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24th

Today is another blessed day...Benjamin had a wonderful night last night and they are going to try to wean some of his ventilator support today in anticipation of needing to go back up a bit tomorrow....that is when Dr. Saito is planning on checking to see if she can 'cinch' part of his surgical incision in to sew it up a bit more. With this, they are expecting that to be a stress on him again and that they will need to go back up on the vent support a bit. Ben again had awake times this morning where he has been completely comfortable and his oxygenation sats are higher than yesterday. The girls have a birthday party today, so Dave and I are planning on going over after that to visit for the day. Also they weaned some of his dopamine (this medication keeps his systemic blood pressure up so it can reduce the blood pressure to the lungs). As rough as this journey has been for our family, we are so excited that Benjamin is doing so well...this truly couldn't have happened without God continuing to hold him up thru all of this. We feel so blessed by having him in our lives, it's unbelievable. This journey has taught us so much about TRUE faith in God and His plans, He truly does walk with us thru everything. We love you all and thanks for the continuing support. Please also pray for Ben's best buddy Ellis...he had MAS (meconium aspiration syndrome) at birth and is another miracle baby...he has repeatedly beaten the odds as well....he is Ben's next door neighbor and he was also on ecmo for 20 days. He also had brain bleeds from the machine that saved our boys, and they both will be facing a long recovery.....We are still not out of the woods by a long shot with Ben, but I would like to say that Ellis, thank God, is definitely on the road to recovery. He is several steps ahead of Ben in this journey, and is doing better each day. Both of these boys are in our hearts and thoughts every second of every day... and these little fighters melt our hearts everyday.....please send your prayers his way as well as Ben's. More updates to come....


  1. I have been following Benjamin's story. I see Benjamin's grandmother and great aunt at village office in Millstadt and they have been telling me about his progress. I have twin granddaughter at St John's NICU who were born on July 21st., 16 weeks early. They are now 3 months old. It has been a long slow process, but they are doing well, hopefully they will come home sometime in November. I know Ben will do well also. I will keep all of these precious babies in my prayers.

    Linda Weingartner

  2. I am so glad that Ben has continued to do well!! I hope that he does well tomorrow when the surgeon stitches him up more. I will continue to keep him and Ellis in my prayers. I pray that God continue to bless you, your family and continues to hold Ben in the palm of his hands. God Bless!!

    Christine B.
