Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19th - Surgery ?

Well, Benjamin has continued to be stable with just a few episodes where his oxygenation has fallen for a brief time to lower than we would like, but as I said, he recovered, on his own quite nicely. He was a bit fluid overloaded which may have contributed to this, so they repositioned him and increased his medication to clear more fluid and then his oxygenation improved to some of the best numbers since being on ecmo. Ben's surgeon, Dr. Saito, is tentatively planning the repair of his diaphragmatic hernia for Thursday of this week if he continues to stay stable or improve a bit. After that, we will be in for a more tenuous period again as the surgery itself will be a big stress for him....and the recovery as well. This is not a cure-all, and we are in no way out of the woods when the surgery is completed. This will simply remove the abdominal contents from the chest cavity and allow the lungs and heart the room they should have had in the first place. Since his abdominal cavity hasn't had these organs in it, this will be a literal stretch for the abdominal portion of his body. Since baby's belly breathe quite a bit, this could initially make it harder to try to breathe as it could then put pressure on the organs that are normally in the abdominal cavity. He will also most likely take on quite a bit of fluid retention from the surgery as well....these things along with the pain from the surgery will all be stresses that could potentially affect him. I will try my best to update everything as often as possible, but as you can imagine, being with Ben will be a main priority. Also, if any status changes occur even right before the surgery, it could be postponed. Please continue to pray for a safe surgery and fast recovery for our little sweetie. Thanks, Kel


  1. Dave and Kelly - What a handsome little guy Ben is! I hope that he continues to get better before his surgery, and can't wait to hear what a success it was. If you need anything, please let me know.

  2. Dave, Kelly and Benjamin,
    I'm so glad to hear how great Ben is doing!! I will con't to pray for all of you and if you need anything at all let me know. Hope to hear from you soon and thanks for the updates!

  3. MaMa Sharon and PaPa Jimmy love you soooooo much! We are praying every minute and know
    that your surgery will be successful! You are in GOD's hands every minute and Jesus is
    going to heal you!!! Luv MaMa and PaPa

  4. I hope he continues to do well so he can have the surgery. I will be thinking and praying for you guys that all goes well! May god bless you and continue to watch over Ben.


  5. Hubble Family,

    I am praying so hard for Benjamin's surgery. May God Bless him and hold him in the palm of his hand while he is being repaired.

    Shannon RN CICU

  6. Little Benjamin-

    I am praying extra hard for you right now. I pray that the surgery goes well & you only get better from this point on. I also pray that your mommy & daddy stay strong & have the strength they need to get through this. God Bless you...sweet little boy!

    Christine P

  7. Dearest Kel Dave & Family,
    We pray for all of you and out little Ben every waking moment asking God to Bless him and give him strength and heal him--all of God's Angels are watching over him and will heal him--many many prayers to all of you again--let me know how I can help. May God Bless Benjaminin in the cradle of his hands.

    Love, Great Aunt Kolly and Great
    Uncle Roney Boy

  8. Benjamin,
    Good Luck on your big day today!!! I will be praying for you!! Remember how much we ALL love you and that were counting on you to remain strong. Big hugs and kisses! Try to stay strong today Kel and if you need anything let me know.
    Love Ya
    Your Cuz
    Holly pops
