Monday, November 2, 2009

Pictures of Mommy holding me for 1st time and of incision


  1. Beautiful pictures! I had tears in my eyes I am so happy that you got to hold him. What a wonderful blessing!!

    Christine B.

  2. Kelly,
    I am sitting here looking at these pictures and crying my eyes out!! I am SO HAPPY that you finally got to hold your precious baby boy! I know you have been anxiously awaiting. I hope that Ben continues to get stronger so that Dave and you can hold as much as you like! I can't express how great it is to see you hold Ben and kiss his little forhead. He has gotten SO big since I've seen him! He's bound to be 7 foot!! hahaha! Keep up the great work Ben and I will see you soon.
    Love Ya
    Holly Pops

  3. Most beautiful pictures to date. Mommy holding Baby Ben. Couldn't believe it when I talked to Grandma Sharon this morning and heard that Mommy actually got to hold Baby Ben for an hour. What a miracle! God Bless to all of you. You are always on our mind! We love you and see you soon. Great Auntie Donna and Unka Dale XOXOXO :-0)
