Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mama Sharon held me/Ben yawning from all his hard work

Today, Benjamin is 10 weeks and 1 day old. He had a pretty good day today. He is still off of the ventilator and is doing really well as far as his respiratory status goes!! He has been having some rough times withdrawing from his pain and sedation meds the past few days though. There have been times that he is not able to be consoled at all and needs another bolus of his meds that we are trying to wean him off of....and then other times he calms down pretty easily. It's been a different situation once again....he is not used to being held, so unfortunately, that isn't what necessarily calms him down. In fact, given his mood, it could make him worse until he gets used to the touch of being held. Today, he had a good day for me, and as you can see, it was great for Mama too!! It was the first time she got to hold Benjamin.
Ben acted up just in time for Dave to show up tonight after work. He finally calmed down though after getting his boluses after crying for about an hour....I just called to check in on him...Laura, Ben's nurse tonight, said he is doing fine now. She just finished up giving him a bath and he is comfy. Hopefully, we can get him through this withdrawal sooner than later and get him further on the road to recovery. We definitely have much to be thankful for this year...We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and it is spent with those you love. We will try to update again asap.
Thanks to the Thanksgiving sneaks who left us a present on the front porch last night :)


  1. I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving!! I am glad to hear that Ben is still doing well breathing on his own. I hope that he gets over the pain med withdrawals real soon. I will continue to pray that things continue to progress for him. God Bless!!

    Christine B.

  2. Kell and Dave,
    It is great to hear how wonderful Ben is doing! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, it was nice spending time with Emma!! Abby really enjoyed having Emma around! I hope to see all of you real soon and have a great week!!
    Love Always
    Holly Pops
